Team Excellence Training
Team effectiveness plays a key role in the success of a company, a department, or a project. From high level management teams to entry-level work groups, Team Excellence delivers strategies that enhance team performance and outcomes. Group members will fine-tune their communication skills, avoid unnecessary interpersonal conflict, improve productivity, and strengthen team functioning.
This class provides participants with the essential tools to become more efficient and effective in working with others. Personality differences can lead to explosive or non-productive relationships within the organization. Leaders are aware that it is to their advantage to help people discover ways to work together successfully and be able to answer the following questions:
- Why do we seem to relate better to some people than others?
- Why do some people respond immediately with understanding while others appear puzzled, perplexed and even resentful?
- Why is it so frustrating to work with certain individuals and such as pleasure to work with others?
During the program participants will:
- Develop cooperation among team members
- Enable managers to motivate employees
- Manage performance
- Promote higher levels of commitment among group members
- Reduce conflict
This program will enable participants to:
- Analyze sources of conflict and build strategies for resolving disagreements
- Understand and appreciate the contributions of different individuals
- Learn different problem-solving approaches
- Structure a personal development plan that capitalizes on each individual's particular strengths and contains suggested strategies for areas in need of improvement
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