"Gae quickly understood the needs of the individuals within our organization, as well as the needs of the organization as a whole. She helped our management team recognize and realize the strengths that each individual can bring to the team."
Gerard Couturier
Director of Development EuroDisney Development Company
"CDM was short listed on a major storm water master plan project last month. Scott McClelland and I were tagged with the responsibility of making the oral presentation to the County's selection committee. We used some of the techniques and skills we recently acquired at the Presentation Skills Seminar which you taught last month. I was notified on Monday that we received a first place ranking by each of the members of the selection committee! Scott and I agree that our attendance at the seminar you gave played a vital part in our delivery style and presentation materials used. We have reaped the benefits in less than a month."
Charles Cook
Client Officer, Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc.
"Ms. Walter's dynamic style, matched with her thorough knowledge of the subject matter at hand, audience rapport, and overall ability to focus on the pertinent matters are exceptional. Gae's skills enhance her ability to disengage people from old ways of doing things and help participants focus on changes required of them to step into, and meet, the needs of the future. I would strongly recommend her to any organization that desires unsurpassed quality in consulting and top-notch training support."
Larry Argiro, Ph.D.
Vice President of Human Resources FiSERV
"I would like to thank you for your outstanding seminar! The insight learned had dramatically improved our leadership effectiveness already. I have a great deal of respect for your high level of professionalism and knowledge. Thank you once again for sharing this with us."
Paul L. Westbrook
General Manager, The Ritz Carlton, Dearborn
"Knowing that you are flying all over the country to work your miracles, I am not sure where to send this letter of thanks and appreciation. Speaking both for the board of the Los Angeles Master Chorale and myself, I want to thank you for the exceptional job that you did. You helped to bring order out of chaos and goodwill out of uncertainty. You can add the Master Chorale to your list of success stories."
Marshall A Rutter
Vice Chairman, Los Angeles Master Chorale and Sinfonia Orchestra
"You are absolutely marvelous! Your speech at our awards banquet on Peak performers was perfect. It was motivating. Inspirational. Educational. And entertaining - just what an after dinner speech should be. I was meeting with Dr. Keith Stone, the medical director for the Women's Health group, and remarked to me that you and your speech were wonderful . and that was a totally unsolicited comment. Again, thank you very much for making our awards banquet on of the highlights of the year. It will be difficult to find someone next year that can top your peak performance."
J. Michael Lenninger
Assistant Director, Public Relations & Marketing University of Florida Clinic
"Your Myers Briggs program was outstanding! We left the meeting excitedly talking abut the excellence of your presentation and everyone wished we could have l kept you talking longer. We've had guest speakers before, but without question, your presentation was the most stimulating, humorous, and educational that any of us have attended."
Dick Oehler
Sales Manager,
Wacker Corporation
"You are terrific! The sparkle, shine and polish of your presentation was a "HIT" with the FMGMA attendees. If every business could get a "shot" of your training, they would be sure to get positive results in their business."
Caroline Ingalls Gurland
Florida Medical Group Management Association
"Thank you for a great training session. It was unique, exciting, and motivating. I have heard many, many good things about your programs from previous participants and now I can add my own voice to the chorus. We will see you again!"
Charlie Young
Sales and Marketing ABB
"We would all like to thank you very much for the excellent Team Building seminar you presented to us. You demonstrated a clear understanding of our operations and concisely targeted the goals we established in our preliminary discussions. Even certain skeptics were very impressed with your ability to command and hold the attention of a group as large and diverse as ours. The only complaint that I have heard was that your portion wasn't long enough! You succeeded in leaving them wanting more, an admirable achievement."
Sandra Casillas
National Customer Support GTE/Verizon
"I've had the pleasure of attending several workshops conducted by Ms. Walters and can attest that she is consistently outstanding. My opinion was well supported at a recent annual conference of the Florida Public Relations Association. FPRA's attendee survey showed that she was the highest rated presenter of the approximately 30 speakers at the meeting. Ms. Walter's range of material is broad, yet focused in on the critical business skills necessary for high productivity. Her presentations convey practical information that the listener can apply immediately to his or her job. In addition to her expertise in psychology, personnel management and motivation, Ms. Walters is also one of the most effective presenters I have ever seen. That observation spans my own twenty years of attending professional development programs and ten years of teaching presentation skills."
Dr. Robert Davis
Professor, School of Communication
- University of Central Florida
"As a supplier to us, your demonstrated ability to 'speak our language' in such a short time is the greatest value that you bring to our training effort. So many trainers merely say words . . . you say precisely the right words in the proper context. In fact, I think that you may perhaps have greater product knowledge than some of our own people."
Doug Spence
President of Service Operations
- CompuServe