Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is the provision of tailored guidance and development to executives by a professionally trained and experienced advisor. Simply put, executive coaching helps people gain the information, skills and feedback they need to perform more successfully.
It stands to reason that the leaders of an organization, those with exceptional talent, vision and drive, interact differently than the broad employee population and have distinctive development needs. It may seem impossible to provide these executives with the growth and educational opportunities they need due to restricted time, the need for complete confidentiality and objectivity and the every day work pressures they face. Thus the creation, and rising popularity and success, of executive coaching.
Individually customized programs are available on the following topics:
- Presentation skills bullet Negotiation skills
- Interpersonal and communication skills
- Leading and managing others
- Political and interpersonal savvy
- Building sales and client relationships
Executive coaching enables participants to:
- Acquire just-in-time information and skills
- Learn new behaviors and skills in a confidential setting
- Listen to an external and objective perspective
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